5 Things to Do in Your Next Interview
Most of these tips should be no-brainers, but too often we hear stories from hiring managers about how unprepared some candidates can be when taking part in the interview process. At Beacon Technologies, we make sure our candidates are prepped and ready to go before the interview they have for each client, but here are five easy things everyone should be doing for their next interview if they aren’t already. Do Your Homework Research the company or organization you are […]
Read MoreWays to Stay Productive & Motivated at Work
Staying motivated can be a difficult task. Little distractions surround us, and it makes it more complicated to focus on things one at a time. It can be easy to fall into laziness and complacency, but don’t worry, we have your back! Here are a few ways you can tackle your goals for the day and prevent yourself from being anything but lazy. Positivity is KeyBe your own cheerleader. Speak to yourself like you’re talking to your best friend. Reduce […]
Read MoreHow to Prepare for Your Performance Review
A new year is here, and this can mean a lot of things, like finally committing to that early morning workout routine on your new year resolution list. In other cases, this is a time when *scary music plays* performance reviews start! Some of you find it nerve-racking and others find it as no big deal. For those that are new to it and don’t know how to prepare, we got you. Here is everything you will need to have […]
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